9 BlueprintTips You Might Not Know About

Increase your UE4 blueprint knowledge

Tim Engelke
3 min readSep 17, 2020

Unreal Engines blueprints are already pretty easy to use. But some features are a bit overlooked, even though they will make your life easier.

Make to function / macro

Keeping order in your graph is a crucial point when working with blueprints. Functions and macros help with that, and good news! You can create functions and macros automatically from selected graphs, including inputs and outputs:

Select graphs →Right-click →Collapse to Function / Macro

Reparent blueprint

Sometimes you need to reparent your Blueprint to another blueprint. Mostly this happens when you do refactoring. Instead of tidily copying and paste your Blueprint to another, you can use the Reparent blueprint function.

File →Reparent Blueprint

Generate C++ code

Since blueprints are ten times slower than C++, performance intense Projects might benefit from converting Blueprint to C++ code.

It should be noted that the generated code is not meant to work with, as it gets very messy.

File →Developer →Generate Native Code

Dragging execution flow

By holding down the left CTRL-key, you can move the execution flow from one node to another.

Shortcuts & key bindings

Many processes can be accelerated by using short cuts and key bindings. Here is a complete cheat sheet of all key bindings you can use inside the Blueprint editor:


Blueprints have breakpoint support, which can help you very much while debugging.

Right-click graph →toggle breakpoint

There is also a Debugging window where you have an overview of all breakpoints and their values.

Window →Debug

Find references

Find out where a variable is used can be a challenging task, especially on big blueprints. Luckily, the blueprint editor can show you where a variable is used.

Right-click variable →Find References

Validated getter setter

Getters for possibly not valid values can be converted to validated getters.

Right-click getter →Convert to Validated Get

Find in Blueprint

When your projects grow, it is sometimes hard to find the functionality you already implemented. Before you start to search manually through all Blueprints, use the Find in Blueprints functionality!

Here you can search for Functions, events, variables, etc. across all blueprints.

Edit →Find in Blueprints

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Tim Engelke

Just an aspiring game developer — I write about game development, art and other things that come to my mind.